

Sankofa mmofra fie is an orphanage home based in Eguafo-Ghana. They school about 350 kids and also accommodate the majority of them. They currently sleep in over- packed rooms and study in wooden structures. Additionally, they lack enough food, teachers and school materials.Their primary focus now is to finish their new school building which they started some years ago but had to put on hold due to lack of funds.

Current School Building

New School Building

David Kwesi Acquah founded Sankofa Mbofra Fie in 2006.  A young man of 35, David, shares a similar past with many of the children he serves.  Growing up on the streets in Cape Coast, David dreamed of helping other kids like him once he got back on his feet.  In 2005, he worked for a year at a children’s home in Belgium and returned to Ghana with his hard-earned savings and knowledge to start a children’s home of his own.  He currently provides most of  the financial support for Sankofa Mbofra Fie, directs the organization, and serves as a positive male role model for the 350 children in his care. ADA helps out in IT, communications, management and fundraising.

Sankofa Mmofra Fie is not just taking, but also giving. These talented kids will be sharing their experience, acrobatics, dancing, drumming and other skills with Kids Camp. We aim to promote a mutual and long term intercultural exchange amongst these kids on different parts of the world.

Major Needs: Finishing the school building and computer room.

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